Thursday, May 31, 2007

Hire From The Deep End of the China Talent pool

This was an article posted on the China Solved Weblog which discusses how companies should be hiring and the things which they should be looking for in their new prospective employees.

Success in China will be earned by those companies (and managers) who can effectively hire, train and develop from the vast pool of young and inexperienced graduates (and dare I say it – even those young Chinese that never attended universities) that are ambitious, eager to work and hungry for opportunity.

I have been saying this for a while, but I reconfirmed my belief in hiring from among the “uncarved wood” of the China job market yesterday when I was buying electronics in Shanghai’s Metro City Shopping Center. That’s where I’ve learned most of what I know about Chinese business and management, because it’s the ideal laboratory. Hundreds of shops selling similar – but not identical items – all packed in right next to one another. At first it seemed like an undifferentiated mass of cells in a giant hive – each operating exactly the same way. But after a while, patterns start to emerge – and you can see three archetypical approaches to Chinese business and sales.

Say anything. One-off salesmen and hucksters still abound, and they would say anything to separate me from my cash. I couldn’t get out fast enough.Say nothing. Ignore the customer and do anything rather than engage. These were usually people who weren’t being compensated for success, or didn’t have the training (or mental firepower) to explain their own products.Listen first. Then say the right thing, add value, give good service, and make the sale.

To view the entire article at its original location click on the title of this post.

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